Creating 3D models from 2D Images!

Creating 3D models from 2D Images!

Machine learning
School work
Oct 1, 2022
notion image
Personal notes on Structure from Motion (SfM) - Technique to recover 3d structure from 2d images

Step 1: Extract features from images

First, we extract sift features from the set of images. These features are used to construct the scene graph. Iteratively, we start with a pair of images with the most amount of common inliers, and keep adding new images to the scene graph.

Step 2: Triangulation

Using all pairs of images, we triangulate the 3d points to construct the sparse cloud of 3d points.

Step 3: Bundle adjusment

Finally, we conduct bundle adjusment of the 3d points by calculating the reprojection error of the 3d points, when mapped back to the 3d images.

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